How the great COVID-19 reset can help firms build a sustainable future

COVID-19 offers a chance to reset and reshape the world in a more sustainable way through individual’s life on every corner of the globe.

It is up to every individual and corporation to take ownership of the future.Redefining the basic platform often life. I The basics are back. Bharat & Bhartiye can just do it easy because we are born out of values not just biologically.

Here are three steps business leaders can take to hasten this vital transformation.

At the most fundamental level, COVID-19 reveals three things:

  1. Planet: our home earth– Human activity is strongly related to climate change. The lockdown has resulted in rare sightings of blue skies from Beijing to Delhi, and worldwide CO2 emissions are predicted to fall by 8% in 2020. It is like “the lesser the intervention with nature, the better is human life “
  2. People: COVID-19 has been hailed as the “big equalizer,” but the reality is that we aren’t equally resilient as a society. Socio-economic status is strongly related to vulnerabilities of all sorts, with the poor and underprivileged it harm’s to a disproportionate extent.
  3. Profit: We cannot survive for long without economic activity and the creation of financial value. Millions of businesses are failing in the face of the pandemic and as many as 40% of businesses may not reopen after this disaster.
    In essence, we need to manage climate-related risks, strengthen our social fabric and inspire economic activity that creates value for humankind if we are to create a world that is sustainable and well-equipped to combat impending crises.
    So what will it take to achieve this symbiosis between people, planet and profit – also referred to as the “triple bottom line” – in contrast to the single bottom line of profit alone? For starters, we must accept a basic truism: in a world of finite resources, maximizing private gain inevitably leads to collective loss – that is, the loss of common goods, a phenomenon known as the tragedy of the commons. For example if, in a bid to boost profits, global multinationals build and run factories but do not pay for the pollution they create, we get global warming. The collective is more important than the individual. Curbing consumerism, which is consuming our home earth is essential and leading a life with simplicity is the answer with redefining economics.
    This expression exactly given in my book already published..
    Consumerism, the simplicity and our home earth.

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