
This is the story of Passion, Team work, continual Improvement and a real story of a living person.  The Loosing Businesses turning into profitable ventures by Teams under a better leadership. The leadership Engines and pipelines were created.
Continual Improvement is the key in any Organization.
Engineers Turning into Business Leaders is the Theme here. The progress train in any organization is the sole responsibility of its leader. His passion correctly Copied by the team becomes the playing platform for the rest of the people for the years to come.This is the true story of an engineer turned into a True Inspiring Business Leader.”

”De-Designate Yourself First”-First Book by sharad k goel

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The economists view for growth is “Consume more for economic growth,” which essentially means “extract everything more so that we can consume and grow” but not prosperity and happiness. This is breeding a phenomenon called consumerism…. All is consumption—everything, every day, everywhere. We think consumerism is the way to prosperity. The simplicity and conscious choice making has taken a back seat. The Author has brought this point in front again in simple words. Moreover, consumerism and robotic way of living our life is a major cause of ecological issues. The Author beautifully brings back the value system of lives to treat earth as our home.

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